Greyhound Puppies For Sale

The Greyhound breed is best known for their athleticism and speed.  As you can see from the Greyhound puppies for sale listed below, they also make adorable puppies. 

So, what is the 411 on this breed?

  • They are fast. Greyhounds can run up to 45 mph. [Your cat just had a nervous breakdown!]
  • These dogs are very easy to train, but make sure you spend time on the recall command. A dog this fast and can get out of earshot quick!
  • These pups can flourish in apartments despite their size.
  • The breed generally lives up to 12 years, but is prone to large breed health issues.
  • Easy to groom, needing only a bath.

Affectionate and attached to their families, these dogs like playing in the yard as much as they like curling up by your side while you read your favorite book.  

Watch the video below to get a Greyhound history lesson and then check out the Greyhound puppies for sale to see if there is a perfect one for you!


New puppies are added every day, check back soon!

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