Scottish Deerhound Breed Information

Scottish Deerhound   

The Scottish Deerhound has a life expectancy of 10 to 12 years.

The Scottish Deerhound’s true origins are lost to time, but dogs recognized as deerhounds can be found as far back as the 16th and 17th centuries. The early development of the Scottish Deerhound closely follows that of the Irish Wolfhound. Some believe the Scottish Deerhound eventually became a bred down version of the Irish Wolfhound, more suitable for hunting deer. Others believe the hounds of the Picts are the true ancestors of the Scottish Deerhound.  

The Scottish Deerhound weighs 75 to 110 pounds and measures 28 to 32 inches.

Grooming Needs
The Scottish Deerhound has a harsh, wiry coat covering their body and neck, but a softer coat on their belly, breast and head. The Scottish Deerhound sheds moderately year round. They should be brushed two to three times a week and bathed just a few times a year. Their face should also be combed regularly and if shown, Scottish Deerhounds must have any light-colored hairs plucked from their ears.

Like all dogs, the Scottish Deerhound also needs basic grooming. Brush their teeth, clean their ears and trim their nails on a regular basis.  

The Scottish Deerhound is dignified and amiable.  

The Scottish Deerhound is an intense hunter, but a rather laidback and reserved companion. Although the Scottish Deerhound can be a rambunctious puppy, they grow to prefer naptime over playtime. They enjoy their peace and quiet, and are thus better suited for homes with older children. Scottish Deerhounds do not like to be teased and do not appreciate chaos.  

The Scottish Deerhound is not highly affectionate, but nonetheless loves their family. The Scottish Deerhound does not demand attention and is not the type of dog to be underfoot all the time. However, they like people and like being around them. Scottish Deerhounds are friendly and polite to nearly everyone they meet.

Training Needs
The Scottish Deerhound is slow to respond and approaches training with a calm, casual demeanor. The Scottish Deerhound is willing and eager to learn, but does best with consistent, upbeat training sessions and lots of positive reinforcement. Once they understand the basics, Scottish Deerhounds can go on to participate in lure coursing and agility.  

Activity Level
The Scottish Deerhound is a highly energetic puppy, but a rather lazy adult. The Scottish Deerhound is happy to be a hunting companion, but has little interest in playing games or chasing balls. For their health, the Scottish Deerhound needs a daily walk in addition to regular time outside in a secure area to run around. As an adult, the Scottish Deerhound generally has to be prodded to get out and get exercise.

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