Special Scholarship Named After A German Shepherd

Holly's Scholarship

Can a German shepherd be a source of inspiration? In the case of Holly, yes, she can.

“Holly is the inspiration for this scholarship,” the owners explain on their web site. “Holly was almost euthanized at four months old due to severe fear aggression. Her owners, unable to handle her biting, surrendered her to a rescue group. That’s where Michael began her behavior modification which was continued when Jamie fostered her for six months. With positive training methods, she has been shown that the world is not such a scary place and has overcome her fears. In her honor, we are offering twice yearly scholarships to families that cannot afford training but would really benefit from it.”

The scholarships either cover the full tuition to the group training class of the recipient’s choice or the full tuition for one private training lesson. The owners of Best Paw Forward’s say the scholarships are part of their overall commitment “to provide access to quality dog training and behavior services to our local communities.”

For more information on Holly’s Scholarships or any of the other services provided by behavior consultants, Michael and Jamie Badial, visit www.BestPawForwardInc.com. The Best Paw Forward board of directors will review applications and award scholarships based on need and availability.

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