Heroes Helping Heroes

Here at Animaroo.com, we are huge believers in the benefits dogs can provide to people. While most people think of the human-dog relationship as one based in a family situations, the powers of pups go well beyond this when it comes to helping out people.

Soldiers returning from war suffer from many mental stresses. The military has found dogs can go a long way to helping soldiers recover and be content again. A program has even been set up where soldiers who receive treatment are encouraged to train additional service dogs for fellow service member or veterans that needs mobility assistance.

Staff Sgt. Christopher Spencer Milo of the United States Army suffered from PTSD and found comfort in working with dogs. His Labrador Retriever and Golden Retriever, Nemo and Valerie, have helped him regain some level of social skills by taking the focus off of himself. When in public, the dog actually acts as a buffer. The focus is on the dog.

Take a look at this video detailing the program and impact these pups can have on soldiers. It’s a win-win situation.

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